I am a progammer who loves to create and collaborate on cutting edge technology. If you have an idea, contact me and lets make something great!
Success is what happens after
you have survived all your mistakes.
I am a progammer who loves to create and collaborate on cutting edge technology. If you have an idea, contact me and lets make something great!
A learning management system that is helping the underprivileged, currently the country of Bahrain, to learn English
Tech Stack: React, Redux, Sass, Node.js, Knex.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL
-Refactored the codebase from an F to a C in codeclimate.com's maintainability score using react-hook-form and validation techniques
-Designed and created the Marketing and Landing pages for website
-Deployed the front end with AWS Amplify and Backend with Heroku
GitHubLive DemoA journal for the exercises that you perform
Tech Stack: React, Redux, Material UI
-Created the forms for the CRUD application
-Developed API calls to Create, Read, Update and Delete.
-Implemented the routes for the components to be abel to be client side routing.
GitHubLive DemoA web application where virtual reality business owners can connect with investors
Tech Stack: React, React Spring, Node.js, Express.js, Knex.js
-Led and organized a team of 5 in a one week sprint
-Developed the REST API endpoints for the CRUD functionality
-Created the authentication for the front end and maded sure it worked
GitHubLive DemoCreated a backend for an application that allows you to input your voice in the problems that are solved by your community
Tech Stack:Node.js,Express,Knex
-Created a RESTful API
-Developed the database using PostgreSQL, Express and Knex
GitHubLive Demo